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Kinda Kurdi

Kinda Kurdi

Kinda Kurdi

K2VM – Kinda Kurdi Visual Media
United Kingdom

Kinda Kurdi is an award-winning filmmaker and producer with 15 years experience creating documentary and animation across multi-platforms. Her work has aired on various channels with broadcast credits spanning the BBC, Cartoon Network & KTV.
Kinda’s latest mid length documentary “As Above So Below” has garnered her an award for Best Documentary short at the EIFF Festival in Moscow, and shortlisted amongst festivals in London, Italy and the United States.

Kinda is an alumnus of the Prestigious National Film and Television School, UK in Entrepreneurial Producing and has a BA in Film Directing. She has a unique cultural background with (Arabic-Anglo-Scottish-Kurdish) heritage. This has fostered an international & cultural fascination that transcends boundaries and enriches her work.