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The sun is setting over the fields of the Po Valley. Patrizia is driving the orchestra van through the mist. Tonight she will perform under the colored neon lights of The Cupole, one of the last balere (liscio dance-halls) standing in the Romagna region, once the birth place of the liscio music. At the Euroclub, Roberto is writing the name of a couple of clients on a reserved table, it has been the same table for almost 50 years now. At home Alberto and Adriana are picking their best clothes, tonight they will dance over the notes of the waltz that brought them together. They cannot believe such a chance for happiness happened to them so late in life. Bruno and Michele will arrive a little later during the night. They are a bit lonely, each one with his own family problems, but in the balera they feel at peace. 

For all of them the liscio is more than a ballroom dance, it’s a cure. And the balera is more than a dance-hall, it’s their happy place. But all of this may soon no longer exists