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Love and Engineering

Project status
  • ARTE Pixel Pitch Prize at Power to the Pixel (2011)
  • Audience Award at DocPoint Helsinki Documentary Film Festival (2014)
Love and Engineering

Love & Engineering follows four engineers - from different countries but all living in Finland and working for big companies, like Nokia and Ericson. They are participating in a course mentored by Atanas (34), a Bulgarian mathematician, who is – based on his own experiences – trying to structure a (pseudo) scientific formula for love and dating.

The students go on dates – which the film follows – and return to Atanas who tells them what went wrong, why they succeeded or how they should alter their behavior in future. Based on this experiment, Atanas is trying to formulate his theory and make an application for mobile devices, so that every person in the world can learn how to find love.

Film's website

Team Partner

Kaarle Aho, producer

Producer / Production Details

Making Movies in co-production with Filmtank and Agitprop for ZDF/ARTE, YLE, Bulgarian National Television, VPRO