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Sissel Dargis Morell

Sissel Dargis Morell

Sissel Dargis Morell


Sissel has a background in painting graffiti, which lead her to photography, and eventually documentary. As a teenager she lived in Brazil where apart from freelancing in photography and street art, she co-founded a community project that focuses on cultural exchange between locals in the favela and outsiders. The project is currently led by locals in the largest favela of Latinamerica, Rocinha. Sissel is a graduate from the Cuban film school (EICTV), where she directed several shorts screened across the world. One of them was Plástico, the award winning documentary short she graduated the school with and which is now the basis of her next feature film. After Cuba she enrolled at The National Film School of Denmark to study Games and Animation. Here she developed the indie game Cai Cai Balão, which was nominated at the Independent Games Festival, Indiecade and exhibited at the Smithsonian Arts Museum and recently won Games for Change Latinamerica for best game, and support for the sequel of the game. Cai Cai Balão is set in the same world as the film and is a cross over of characters and situations between the film and game.