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Christian Tipke

Christian Tipke

Christian Tipke

CEO / Format Developer

Christian Tipke has been a freelance film and television producer since 2006. In 2016, he founded the renowned production company Sendefähig with offices in Berlin and Bremen. In his role as managing director and format developer, he has played a key role in over 500 productions. He develops, produces and distributes successful formats such as "Y-Kollektiv" (ARD), "Rabiat/ Y Plus" (ARD) and "Szene Report" (ARD- Kultur). In addition, his company has realised important multi-part films for media libraries such as "Geständnisse eines Neonazis" (ZDF), "Plan B - Da geht was Deutschland" (ZDF) and "CLUB100" (Land Bremen). Tipke's formats and films have been honoured with numerous prestigious awards, including the Grimme Prize and the Grimme Online Award.