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Alain Chédotal

Alain Chetodal smiles at the camera. He has white hair and a blue shirt.

Alain Chédotal

Group leader, DRE INSERM
Development, evolution and function of commissural systems, Institut de la Vision

Dr Alain Chédotal is a neuroscientist and developmental biologist working at the Vision Institute in Paris. He obtained a PhD in Neuroscience in Paris and also worked in Montreal and Berkeley. He is research director at the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM) and a member of the French Academy of Sciences and of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO). He has studied brain development for more than 20 years, trying to understand how neurons connect together. He also contributes to several international initiatives on human embryology and uses cutting-edge 3D imaging technologies an to map cells in human embryos.