The Masterschool 2025 Manifesto

The future of our industry may be uncertain and fast-changing but at Documentary Campus we see a clear path forward, illuminated with dynamism and opportunity. As committed and forward-thinking as ever, Masterschool will apply our usual highest standards to the directions and aspirations of the 2025 program and beyond, as outlined in this Manifesto:
- We will further dissolve the false hierarchy of documentary formats (features, TV hours, digital-first series, etc.), emphasising that every format has its own possibilities in today’s market
- We will highlight and explore the particular advantages of a range of forms/formats
- We will champion Digital-First Content (in a platform neutral way and especially where it points to viable, sustainable business models)
- We will ensure that projects are developed with a view to maximising their potential within the realities of the current documentary landscape, and that filmmakers are actively engaged in thinking about the future of the market and the opportunities it presents
- We will reflect emerging and innovative business models
- We will keep a close eye on where the money actually is (and where it goes)
- We will pay close attention to precedent, recent case studies and data analysis
- We will explore the creative (and ethical) application of AI to documentaries (not the hype and not things with no creative bearing on doc making)
- We will maintain an international perspective
- We will be an inclusive and equitable space for filmmakers, irrespective of their cultural, ethnic and gender identities and neurodivergence
- We will value and aspire to innovation and originality in terms of creativity and entrepreneurship
- We will pay attention to how to reintegrate the notions of entertainment and engagement with social purpose and seriousness of intent - we will look for the Joy in the story wherever possible
- We will be a space where filmmakers can tell bold stories that speak to the challenges of our times
To mark the arrival of Adam Gee as new Head of Masterschool, the 2025 Manifesto gives a sense of Documentary Campus Masterschool’s direction of travel. Be sure to check back for the announcement of our 2025 Masterschool participants and projects, as well as registration for the 2025 DC Industry Days where you can hear their final pitches and be part of the future of the industry!